EPA Workbench Options
Workbench Options with EPA kit:
The WKS2-## EPA workstation kit can be fitted to practically any suitable worksurface, turning an 'ordinary workstation' into an EPA (ESD Protected Area).workstation.
Please note, ensure that equipment meets the approval of the ESD Co-ordinator regarding apllication, procedures and Standard requirements.
The picture left shows examples of:
- Boscotek - Welded metal, powder-coated
- MayTec - Modular extruded aluminium
- Trilogiq - Modular extruded tube in various materials
- WKS2-LB EPA workststion kit
All systems are flexible and can be modified to meet specific requirements, including trolleys, work-flow, storage, etc.
Tags: antistatic workbench, antistatic workstation, EPA, ESD workstation, ESD workbench, static safe workstation, static safe workbench